Sunday, April 7, 2013

Open Question Prompts On: "Life Of PIe"

1) What could Pi's adventure out at sea represent for the reader? Why do you think the author chose to describe Pi's adventure in the way he did? What does it describe for the author and what type of person, or views he may have?

2) When looking at the animals chosen by the author, why do you think he chose a zebra, Orangutan, hyena and a Bengal Tiger to be apart of Pi's journey? What about these animals allow a connection to the novel, Pi, and the message you believe the author was trying to present?

3 Pi being descried as an intelligent person, going through high school and becoming a college student, having a broad understanding of religion, what is the author trying to to tell us by putting an intelligent individual through such a journey that made it seem as though his intelligence didn't matter in the least? Why do you think the author chose a character like Pi, and what does this mean for the authors message?

4) P.128 "Movement was confined to a tremor in the rear leg and an occasional blinking of the eyes. I was horrified. I had no idea a living being could sustain so much injury and go on living."

How does this sentence describe the authors message, and the point of putting Pi through such a journey? What does this tell us about the authors view on human determination, and how does it link to the the authors central message?

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