Thursday, April 25, 2013


Meaning- The meaning is to not fight for what makes your life, but fight for your ability to accept your life for what you have.

Antecedent Scenario- He is trying to make sense out of fighting for things in life that will change your life and what it is, he doesn't seem to make sense of it so he says just fight for your ability to accept your life as it is.

Structural Parts- He takes every part of life that most people would say they would fight for, and dissects it in a way that brings the sense of fighting for it too perspective, and shows that to him it isn't worth fighting for. He shows that men will only fight for things that are valuable to them, and that what is valuable to him is his ability to love his life no matter what he is given.

Climax- "Nor my children, nor my country, nor my fellow-men.
It all deprnds whether I found them worth fighting for."

Other Parts- The author addresses the idea of men only fighting for money and says that he basically doesn't have much, and would fight to hard for it.

Skeleton- The poet gets ready to describe his values.

Tone- Questioning

Agency- The poet is conclusive.

Roads Not Taken- The poet should have taken another stanza to help the addition of the men usually only fighting for his money instead of it being so random.

Outer and Inner structural forms- He starts by calling all the stereotypical things in life to fight for and shooting them down, then he goes into people's moral values and then into his own.

Imagination- What comes to mind is a man sitting upon his sofa, huddled in the corner, sulking. Questioning his well being, boarder line suicidal, and starts of by questioning his existence, and complaining about his life. I wouldn't fight for my wife because they arnt always loyal and making this list of things that would be meaningful, and tearing them apart to further his feeling of pointlessness in life. Then a shift happens, he looks up from his crossed arms, faced cut by years, and says to himself what he thinks men usually only fight for, and says, well I wouldn't fight for that because I don't have much of that, but what I would fight for, is my ability to do what I am doing right now, and this learning to accept what I have been given and life, and learn to be happy no matter what.

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