Sunday, April 28, 2013

Open essay

In Macbeth we see a lot of conflicting Desires and wants from all characters. However the biggest conflict that I saw was in Macduff, his conflict of having to fight his fear of Macbeth's want to kill him and his family because they posed a threat to his throne, and revenge from Macbeth for taking his thrown and eventually, killing his family. With this conflict in Macduff it made stand out the central meaning of everyone's ambition and how ambition can change someone.
•With Macduff's fear of Macbeth it brought to stage the power of Macbeth's ambition. It was enough power that is made Macduff move from his home to get away from Macbeth, and hide to be in safety. Bringing the affects of Macbeth's ambition causes a reader to think back and realize how everyone else's ambition cause Macbeth to turn into this person driven by power, he wanted more power. Once he got power he didn't want anyone to stand in the way of him keeping that power. Macbeth's whole life became about ambition, so much so I scared off Macduff.
•Even though Macduff was hiding in fear of Macbeth he did not want to move his family and love in fear. He wanted better and was upset with Macbeth. Once Macbeth found out where Macduff was, he came and killed his family and thought he killed Macduff. However Macduff was still alive, driven by revenge he came to kill Macbeth even over the fear of being killed himself. With the revenge being a conflicting trait it showed that when your life is driven by ambition, you have nothing, and are better off dead than with any power. When Macbeth dies in an attempt to protect his power, it reminds the reader how everyone else in the play had died and they were also driven by ambition. This helps press the central message of being driven by power leads to no power at all.
• With the conflicting sources it helps highlight the errors the other characters and their results. When you have character making the same mistake, and you have something to compare it to, it really brings it to the light. When the common mistake is understood, the message can be found.

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