Tuesday, November 20, 2012

PLATO Questions

1)  Allegory was a comparison against people who were trying to become intellectuals and people who are intellectuals.

2) Prisoners represent the non intellectuals, light shows discovery and knowledge, one long extended metaphor. People in a cave are becoming intellectuals, and people who leave are intellectuals.

3) It shows that's he believe different from education is getting brand new information

4)  Shackles and the cave show that difficulties in life may seem stronger and more difficult to over come then they truly are, and that all it takes it's effort.

5) discouragement and sadness shackle the mind, knowledge shackle the mind, anything that limits your mind of thinking beyond the normal.

6) the free prisoner was much more open minded and wanting to do something that was out of the norm as opposed to the prisoners who did not want anything to change.

7) one eay is not know what you really know, and the other is not going towards what you want to know.

8) Prisoners get free simply by trying and following there curiosity. If you want to be free, try.

9) I do agree, reality goes beyond appearances are, people put on faces all the time, they fake how they feel, and what they think, you appear one way, but think the other

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog. Could use a little work but that has been everyone's blog so far. Keep it up!

    Here's mine:
