Friday, November 30, 2012

Edit On Macbeth Literary Analysis

I have come across new information due to a public speaker in class. I read a lot online about it being about ambition, so I bit on that idea; however, in light of the speaker we had today, Quinn Mattfield, he enlightened me of an idea that it MacB is not about ambition, its about fear. As I made connections with this thought I felt more and more connection with this idea, when he is killed, it is by a man in fear of losing his family. When MacB runs to the witches to seehis future fate it is out of fear that he will be challenged for the throne and losing it to a new family. He kills several people out of fear of losing his throne, the play is themed of fear.

Thank you Quinn Mattfield :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thinking Outside The Box

Plato and Sartre describe the limitations of our think by showing the natural limitations we place on ourselves. Plato describes how we limit our thinking sometimes to just what we have been taught, or a sistem, or a type of routine in our life. We don't really try to break free from that, or do something outside of the norm, and its when we try to do that, that we become more open minded, and it is as easy as trying, "turning ur head" per say, to break free and become more open minded, or "walking into the light." Sartre compares the difference of pleasures, to what's important in life. They have several characters in a setting of hell. On person says hell is being surrounded by people, but when a male and a female start to kiss, a second female stabs the female kissing, and the door opens up to a bright light. In that he shows that doing something just because you are at the end of your road and doing what you can, or thinking the only way you think possible, doesn't mean that is what u should do. When eliminating that drive to do something that is pleasurable, and realizing that eliminating one cansourous thought, or person, it opens your mind up to new ideas.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Literary Analysis "Romeo and Juliet"

Vinnie Cruz
1) Romeo and Juliet is a story about two lovers who are not socially accepted they run away from their town in pursuit of happiness and love, and end up dyeing for each other.
2) The theme of the novel is nothing can break love, not even in death.
3) The tone of this novel was definitely disappointment. There were several examples shown in this novel, 1 would be when Romeo and Juliet were told they can no longer see each other. Another example would be when Juliet was told that Romeo had been sent away from the home town so she would no longer be able to see Romeo. Another example would be when Juliet found Romeo and thought he was dead so committed suicide, and then Romeo awoke from his sleep and saw that Juliet had committed suicide so Romeo committed suicide to be with Juliet.
4) The author uses tone to describe how the characters are feeling in certain situations. The author uses indirect characterization to show how complex his writing is and how much he wants the reader to analyze his work.
1) In Shakespeare's work he doesn't use much direction characterization, but throughout his novel or play he uses all kinds of indirect characterization from his explanations 2 characters such as Romeo's looks, Juliet’s looks from their lives, all the way to how they feel about each other.
2) The author’s syntax and diction stay the same when describing or talking about a character because most of his writing has to do with dialogue and direct characterization.
3) The main character is definitely static and flat. Throughout the novel he continues to love Juliet and drive to see you’re just as much as he does at the end of the story.
4) Considering I didn't much like the book I can't say I felt like I really got 2 know I the character but by the end of story I was definitely aware I was reading a book and didn’t feel much of a  connection to the main character at all.

Allegory of the cave sonnet

Locked up, chained up, stuck in darkness all alone

Close minded, scared of the light, turn your head

Walk towards what is bright, think clear, be free, live a live

Being free is easy, you just have to try

Walk free, see beyond the dark cave called your mind

Losen up, be you, think clear see the light

All it takes is effort, the light is bright

When you find yourself enlightened its a sight

Feeling new, free to think beyond a black room

Terrible lonelyness is ound is darkness

Sadly finding a mind a lone and inclosed

Systems, all you know is what you have

Being taught to think in a certain way

What a life, let me go, run from this darkness

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

PLATO Questions

1)  Allegory was a comparison against people who were trying to become intellectuals and people who are intellectuals.

2) Prisoners represent the non intellectuals, light shows discovery and knowledge, one long extended metaphor. People in a cave are becoming intellectuals, and people who leave are intellectuals.

3) It shows that's he believe different from education is getting brand new information

4)  Shackles and the cave show that difficulties in life may seem stronger and more difficult to over come then they truly are, and that all it takes it's effort.

5) discouragement and sadness shackle the mind, knowledge shackle the mind, anything that limits your mind of thinking beyond the normal.

6) the free prisoner was much more open minded and wanting to do something that was out of the norm as opposed to the prisoners who did not want anything to change.

7) one eay is not know what you really know, and the other is not going towards what you want to know.

8) Prisoners get free simply by trying and following there curiosity. If you want to be free, try.

9) I do agree, reality goes beyond appearances are, people put on faces all the time, they fake how they feel, and what they think, you appear one way, but think the other

Monday, November 12, 2012

Macbeth Literary Analysis

11)      Macbeth is about a man who was deceived by witches. He was obsessed with power and it eventually killed him. Witches told him he was to become a king, he was called the future thane of coward. Once he was told that he was to become king and killed Duncan because that who the witches said must be killed for him to become king. When Macbeth found a way to kill Duncan he hallucinated daggers with blood, which gave him motivation, once done he said he will never have clean hands. He became king. Banquo started to realize that Macbeth was the murderer; Macbeth insists Banquo come to Macbeths feast. When Banquo was on his way to the feast he had him killed. When Macbeth went to the witches to see why he started to see Banquo's ghost. When he was there he was told to fear Macduff, no one borne of woman can hurt him, and he was told that Banquos children will be king. So he goes to kill Macduff and his family. When he heard people were going to fight for England, war broke out, the war was futile because everyone turned on him, Macduff went out to kill Macbeth, and because he was taken out by C-section he kills Macbeth and takes his head. He takes the head to Malcolm, and Malcolm becomes king.
22)      The theme of the play is Ambition
33)      The authors tone is regret. Macbeth regrets killing Banquo which is why he sees his bloody ghost. When Macbeth was going to kill Macduff he is full of regret and sees bloody daggers, and says he will never get his hands clean. He starts to get scared once his army turns on him and realize he is defeated when Macduff says we was a C-section and regrets his previous actions on Macduff's family.
44)      The author uses tone, indirect characterization, paradox, mood,

11)      Direct Characterization is very few in Shakespeare’s plays, but in describing Banquo’s ghost, and describing how Macbeth felt after seeing the witches and hearing about how no woman borne child could hurt him.
22)       The syntax and diction does not change, 98% of Shakespeare’s writing is dialogue. When describing a character it is mainly through indirect characterization in conversation between two characters, or through indirect characterization with conversation with that character.
33)      The character is flat, Macbeth is very self-centered and all about personal gain, he is static, he has moments of showing change, but he goes right back to his normal ways.
44)       I didn't feel like I actually met someone because, everyone died, that had been a long lasting character, and Macbeth was someone I would never want to meet.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Affinity- relationship by marriage
Bilious- of or indicative of a peevish ill nature disposition Cognate- of the same nature
Corollary- A proposition inferred Immediately from a proved proposition with little or no additional proof
Cul-de-sac - a pouch
Derring-do- a daring action
Divination- The art or practice that seeks to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge due to the interpretation of omens
Elixir- A substance capable of prolonging life indefinitely Folderol- a useless accessory
Gamut- an entire range or series
Hoi polloi- the General populace
Ineffable- incapable of being expressed in words
Lucubration- to study by night
Mnemonic- intended to assist memory
Obloquy- abusive language
Parameter- an independent variable used to express the coordinates of variable point and functions of them
Pundit- a learned man
Risible- provoking laughter
Symptomatic- having the characteristics of a certain disease but arising of a different cause
Volte-face- a reversal in policy

1) I am related to most of my cousins through affinity.

2) Several fears of speaking in front of people comes from bilious.

3) Some philosophers say that we have a cognate of that of a monkey.

4) Teenagers like to form corollarys and put words into there parents mouths.

5) It is a great opportunity for a U-turn in a cul-de-sac.

6) Evil Caneval had a lot of darring-do's.

7) Palm readers ha very a lot of motivation to have divination.

8) A fountain of you is an elixir.

9) Ear rings are an folderol.

10) I like the Family Guy gamut.

11) The hoi polloi of teenagers in orcutt posted on Facebook their feelings on the election.

12) love is a feeling that is ineffable.

13) Autonomy requires Lucubration.

14) Notes are great for a Mnemonic.

15) Obloquy can result in an issue with someone or you getting in a fight.

16) When reffing soccer it isimparative you know the  Parameter.

17) Gahndi is and was a Pundit.

18) A joke is something that is a risible.
19) One type of cancer could look like a certain kind, but really be another, those systematic things can result in fatal out comes.

20) As a reff you see a lot of the system.

Friday, November 2, 2012


From Visions


Being one day at my window all alone,

So manie strange things happened me to see,

As much as it grieveth me to thinke thereon.

At my right hand a hynde appear’d to mee,

So faire as mote the greatest god delite;

Two eager dogs did her pursue in chace.

Of which the one was blacke, the other white:

With deadly force so in their cruell race

They pincht the haunches of that gentle beast,

That at the last, and in short time, I spide,

Under a rocke, where she alas, opprest,

Fell to the ground, and there untimely dide.

Cruell death vanquishing so noble beautie

Oft makes me wayle so hard a desire.

(Trans. Edmund Spenser)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

PLN for Hamlet

This page made the cut because it made me consider Hamlet as a hero. I didn't think or see him as a hero till I saw this page and thought about it. It brought a new side to Hamlet that hadn't got to me yet. It supplied strengths and flaws in Hamlet that qualify him as a hero, and disqualify him as one.

This page made the cut because it took every scene and act, and summed up the main points of each one. If you happen to forget anything about a certain scene, or a key point, or a characters name, this is a great  resource. If you happened to not want to deal with the whole Shakespeare experience and just want to hit the main idea, here it is. It is also off blogger with closed the deal.

This link is not to a university site or anything, but it is to an online discussion between people online. It is exactly what we are trying to do, open source learning. This link brings you to the discussion, that started by one question, and grew into more. You can comment and join the discussion too if you wish and have an enotes account I believe.

This is a link to a college students essay on Hamlet. This gives me an opportunity to see a colleges students view on an aspect Of Hamlet that you may not have considered. I have read some of these already and I am already contemplating Hamlets tragic flaw. If you have any feelings please comment to this post. :)

This is a link to a past AP  Literature and Composition test on Hamlet.  Take the test and see how you do. : )