Friday, November 30, 2012

Edit On Macbeth Literary Analysis

I have come across new information due to a public speaker in class. I read a lot online about it being about ambition, so I bit on that idea; however, in light of the speaker we had today, Quinn Mattfield, he enlightened me of an idea that it MacB is not about ambition, its about fear. As I made connections with this thought I felt more and more connection with this idea, when he is killed, it is by a man in fear of losing his family. When MacB runs to the witches to seehis future fate it is out of fear that he will be challenged for the throne and losing it to a new family. He kills several people out of fear of losing his throne, the play is themed of fear.

Thank you Quinn Mattfield :)


  1. Fate has descended upon the hour
    Seek out that which is a vacuum of power
    A place from which the new replaced the old
    A place where the American stories were told

    Find this place of a year past
    Follow the breadcrumbs follow fast
    I am telling you where this trail goes
    Don't forget your glasses and your nose

    Find the new philosopher-queen
    In the room familiar to your year younger teen

    1. Thank you for the comment, how does this connect to my post?

    2. Thank you for the comment, how does this connect to my post?
