Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #3 Sentences.

My family likes to attend an accolade every Sunday morning, often known as church but there are many other term for the same basic idea.

My boss at work is so acerbity that it makes most of his employees want to quit because of his deminishing approach to teaching his workers.

Trying to comprehend all the topics in school the lessons seem to cause attrition causing my brain to burn.

Working at the same place for years it becomes such a bromide it creates a parched day that is just banal.

Uncle Sam is a great example of someone who is a Chauvinist.

Math is such a banal subject because of it's chronic steps.

Most of Dr. Preston's topics he protects with his information and expound.

I try to write my essays with such critique that it is finally finish completely immaculate.

One of my Iimprecations is not liking to have to work with numbers, making math and science more difficult.

With how long it seems it has been, a low economy here seems to be ineluctable.

Mercurial is another way of explain bipolar.

Teenagers seem to perfect the ability of palliating.

It is best to have a receipt for something you are trying to return so u have protocol proving ur purchase.

After a PowerPoint in school and u turn on the lights, the lights shine so resplendent, that it blinds ur dilated puples.

The foreign exchange student had such a thick accent that it stigmatized him every time he spoke.

Most of what goes on in government is kept so sub Rosa that the citizens often don't know what truly goes on.

Sometimes when you are lost, we men are often so vainglory that we won't ask for directions.

We know that ancient animals exist because of the vestige they have left called fossils.

The best way to avoid confrontation is to just be volitious when someone gets angry with you.

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