Monday, September 24, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #7 Sentences

In "One Fly Over The Coockoos Nest" the main character was different from the supporting characters, and one of the main differences is he didn't have as severe of an aberration as the rest of the people surrounding him.

When requesting to get told ur grade, it is the worst thing to have ur teacher say I'll think about it, displaying an Ad hoc way of ending the conversation.

Sometimes something can be so much of a bane situation, that it causes so much misery, you die.

One of the worst punishments when u are a child is when u mess up, and ur parents are lecturing you about what u did, and they use bathos to make ur punishment, there express of disappointment they have in you.

One of the hardest things about working in groups is when u get a cantankerous team mate, and they are worth close to nothing for the project at hand.

A lot of riddles have a casuistry type way of asking the question.

These vocabulary sentences seem tideous and pointless, but
de facto is is that they help you out.

Sometimes the topic in English class make me want to lash out in depredation.

I have never seen more empathy shown, than a rosary reading.

If someone is drinking at a party it kinda works as a harbinger of how they might act later on in the Night.

Apparently we have the right to hedonism.

When covered in break dust chrome rims are obvious to lackluster.

When working with someone who is malcontent with ur ideas, it is near impossible to agree honestly.

Silence is very mellifluous.

Pander is a word that I'm not Sure I can use in a sentence without being somewhat disrespectful to the female gender.

Some people don't like accepting peccadillo as an act of kindness because it makes them feel helpless.

Thee day I went to CIF for track will now and forever will be a piece de resistance day for me.

Sometimes the hardest thing about being a convict is getting remanded.

Every type of medical sickness that may be severe has syndromes.

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