Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #5 Definitions and sentences

acumen (noun)- keen insight.
adjudicate (verb)- to settle or determine.
anachronism (noun)- something or someone that is not in its correct historical time.
apocryphal (adj)- of doubtful authorship or authenticity. disparity (noun)- inequality
dissimulate (verb)- to disguise or conceal under a false appearance.
empirical (adj)- derived from or guided by experience or experiment
flamboyant (adj)- strikingly bold or brilliant;
showy fulsome (adj)- offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive;overdone or gross
immolate (verb)- to sacrifice
imperceptible (adj)- very slight, gradual, or subtle.
lackey (noun)- a servile follower
liaison (noun)- a person who initiates and maintains such a contact or connection.
monolithic (adj)- consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken huge
mot juste (noun)- the exact, appropriate word
nihilism (noun)- total rejection of established laws and institutions.
patrician (noun)- a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat. propitiate (verb)- to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
sic (verb)-to incite to attack, shows original mistake in quote  was in the original saying.
sublimate(adj)-to make nobler or purer

1) Before coming into a socratic seminar, make Sure u have acumen on the discussion topic.

2) Businesses don't like to adjudicate for the lower price.

3) Post modernism has many different characters that are anachronisms in comparison to there setting.

4) When you write in a different way on a certain assignment then the way you would usually write it, it usually causes apocryphal.

5) There will always be disparity of wealth within this society.

6)  In military,  it is comments to use dissimulate to create a chance of surprise attack.

7) In science,  most of the the time,  once you start to take a test on a certain subject, you know it well through a lab you performed and have now gained empirical knowledge.

8) Taking my first steps into Dr. Preston's class sophomore year, his class had a unique approach to me that appeared flamboyant.

9) During a Socratic seminar it is always more interesting when you have people who are showy fulsome about the topic at hand.

10) When you are in a discussion, you are immolateing your way of thinking for a possible new one if the other person had valid points that convince you in a new and dissonant way.

11) In some class discussions it shows when someone as a bit less than an imperceptible  knowledge on the topic.

12) A long time ago, we use to have the ability of slavery. Sadly if you were at all appearing to be a lackey, you could be punished if to disrespectful in ur owners view.

13) In a discussion in class it is nice to have Dr. Preston as the initial liaison.

14) When u have a writers block, it usually feels like ur brain and Thinking as hit a monolithic wall that requires you to walk through a maze to get past.

15) It is such a wonderful feeling when you are giving a speech and you are trying to figure out that one word that just fits your idea of what you are trying to explain, and off in the distance you hear someone else shout the mot juste.

16) Sometimes the happiest or most content people have personalities that are sinical and sometimes nihilistic, although they seem so gloom, they are just black and white about everything.

17) Is it possible to have a personal person you see as a patrician. To yourself because of the role they play in your life?

18) Often times when you make a mistake, people will use sympathy to make there excuse look more propitiate to believe.

19) When reading articles about current events that have quotes, you often see a lot of sics to show that a typo was not their own doing.

20) Am I correct in assuming some religions believe that baptism makes a person a bit more sublimate?

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